Narrative Semiotics and Passions Semiotics in the Poem of Djamil Buthaina"The Beloved Adversary [In Arabic]

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Amira Boughogoal


The platonic love poetry was considered as one of the most important kinds of lyrics or the lyric poetry; it spread widely in the Umayad’s castles Although some scholars differ wether this kind of poetry was belonging to this very era or to earlier periods, the history of literature had been biased toward making it belongs to the Umayad era. The latter was proved after the appearance of many poets who wrote fascinating poems about the pure love, the suffering, the pain and the longing of the poet to his sole beloved, like what is found in the poetry of Djamil Ibn Maamar. Those love poems contained their stories, heroes, themes and their own objects of value, some are with and others are against. So, the narrative semiotics is chosen with its both sides related to the narrative constituent to study the sample “the poem of DjamilButhaina”, trying to apply the emotional sample of the semiotics of passion in order to reveal the stages of emotion formation and its own evolution or development. All the previous within the framework to study the emotion because the latter is considered as an effective motivator of the action.

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How to Cite
Boughogoal, A. (2022). Narrative Semiotics and Passions Semiotics in the Poem of Djamil Buthaina"The Beloved Adversary [In Arabic]. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 8(2), 41–54.