Zaid ibn Haritha story in the Qur'an between the construction of narrative and knowledge systemic 

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A lot of studies appeared which are interested of Koran text language
on all voice and semantic and syntactic levels, lexical and rhetorical and
every feature, including mowing the Quranic that appeared as a cognitive
and linguistic in most of the verses of the Qur'an in the lengths and clips
narrative different from the ferry and the reference to the full building
stories. We'll give importance the relationship of narrative forms of
knowledge; that is why the revealed knowledge of God in this form
narrative was inflicted in the form of abstract, direct and simple terms, is
the content of cognitive story differs from other linguistic forms of direct
speech and dialogue and story, this cognitive pattern was repeated in all
the heavenly texts.
In addition to the above Does God Almighty reference to some texts by
the shear sufficient indication that the story in the Koran is literary or is
it a historical drop of human knowledge on those language features

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How to Cite
BEN SAGHRI, Z. (2015). Zaid ibn Haritha story in the Qur’an between the construction of narrative and knowledge systemic . Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 1(2), 235–249.


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 

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