The Narrative Pattern in the Novel “First Person Pronoun” Dhameer Al-Mutaklim” By Fayçal El-Ahmar

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Salima Khelil


The current study, titled the narrative pattern in the novel “Dhameer Al-mutaklim” by the author Fayçal Al-Ahmar tackles a technical feature that draws attention in the novel, this feature is related to the narrative implication on which the novel was based in building its structure, a technique derived from the narrative heritage that contributed to the creation of a literary hybrid in terms of form. The study has also addressed the levels of the narrator in the novel, as well as the author’s philosophy of presence and absence pursued by him through the distribution and employment of pronouns, namely the “the first person pronoun”, which dominated the chapters of the novel and embodied the voice of the margin in it.

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How to Cite
Khelil, S. (2022). The Narrative Pattern in the Novel “First Person Pronoun” Dhameer Al-Mutaklim” By Fayçal El-Ahmar. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 8(1), 257–268.


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