Advertising Innovation across social networks - a study of foreign and national ads -

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This study dealt with one of the most important topics of marketing, namely
advertising innovation through social networks, on the grounds that this method
of advertising is important for innovative institutions that seek to introduce its
products and services, and access to the largest domestic and international
market segments, relying on various means of communication especially those
related to modern technology, and given access to larger market segments
through social networks which are attracting millions of users, most institutions
have considered its use to advertise catalog in accordance with the
technological innovative ways, we have dealt in our paper with the induction of
the reality of the marketing advertising for some institutions, to reach at the end
to the conclusion that access to a significant market sectors through this kind of
advertising, in addition to the benefit from the cost savings compared to the
traditional advertising style.

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How to Cite
WADAH, F. (2016). Advertising Innovation across social networks - a study of foreign and national ads -. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 2(2), 119–138.


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