The Impact of Organizational Capital Dimensions on Health Service Quality in Public Hospitals:a Case Study on the Public Hospital, Muhammad Al-Siddiq bin Yahya,Jijel

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Azize Bourouina
CHaraf Aggoun


This study aimed to highlighted the organizational capital dimensions effectreprsented by, the organizational structure, organizational culture, and information systems, on health services quality in public hospital establishment, with the focus on case of Jijel public hospital, where we have designed and distributing a questionnaire to a representative sample of 75 worker, and analyzed its data by using the spss program. This study concluded in the existence oforganizational capital dimensions impact on health services quality in the public hospital of Jijeland it's  recommended that public health establishments paying attention to the intangible  aspects, especially the organizational capital.


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How to Cite
Bourouina, A., & Aggoun, C. (2021). The Impact of Organizational Capital Dimensions on Health Service Quality in Public Hospitals:a Case Study on the Public Hospital, Muhammad Al-Siddiq bin Yahya,Jijel. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 7(1), 207–223.


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