The Importance of Adopting Direct Marketing Policies and their Impact on Competitive Advantages. A Field Study on a Sample of Companies in SetifProvince

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Soufain Messalta
Hasna Mechri
Mohamed Hamzaoui


The aim of this research paper is to study the relationship between the use of direct marketing tools and to achievement of competitive advantages associated with good implementation in the use of various direct marketing tools, and this was done by analyzing the results of a questionnaire directed to some companies of a service and industrial nature in the state of Setif, and this is to take a clear picture on the latter’s awareness of the concept and importance of direct marketing and the degree of its adoption of its various tools, as well as identifying the extent of disparity in the application of direct marketing tools, and what are the most important motives behind adopting this method, and the study reached an important conclusion that the study sample is generally considered medium use direct marketing tools


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How to Cite
Messalta, S., Mechri, H., & Hamzaoui, M. (2021). The Importance of Adopting Direct Marketing Policies and their Impact on Competitive Advantages. A Field Study on a Sample of Companies in SetifProvince. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 7(1), 256–274.


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