Managing Internal Marketing Mix to Build Competitive Advantages In Companies - Study on a Sample of Algerian Private Health Institutions

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DJEMAM Mahmoud


The aim of this study to test the relationship of internal marketing mix management with build competitive advantages in the Algerian private health organizations companies. This study was conducted based on a psychometrically validated questionnaire, designed and distributed to a random sample of 176 managers of Algerian private medical and medical surgical companies. The response rate was 76% as 134 managers filled the questionnaire. The questionnaire included (44) questions. Statistical methods have been used to analyse the three hypotheses developed.

 In particularly, we found that: (a) there is statistically significant on the existence of internal marketing mix management in Algerian private health companies. (b) Internal marketing mix management is positively associated with build competitive advantages in Algerian private health companies. (C)There is a statistically significant relationship difference amongst Algerian private health companies toward “build competitive advantages by Internal marketing Mix Management” due to experience of company

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How to Cite
HABBAZ, N., & Mahmoud , D. (2020). Managing Internal Marketing Mix to Build Competitive Advantages In Companies - Study on a Sample of Algerian Private Health Institutions. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 6(1), 357–381.


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