The green price and its effect on the purchasing decision of the final consumer

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Iliass Chahid
Okba Abdlaoui
Abdnaim Dafrour


With the increasing environmental awareness of many
consumers and increasing the activity of consumer movements and the
emergence of green consumers, consumers become the focus of the
development of green products, as the marketer begins to identify the
needs and desires of consumers, and then devises strategies to meet these
needs best to achieve the objectives of the institution, It is necessary to
study the behavior of consumers towards green products, The price and
decisions related to determining the role of pricing and its objectives, and determining the appropriate price policy of the most difficult decisions facing marketing men, because it must take into account the consumer on the one hand, and on the other achieve the objectives of the institution in integration with the rest of the elements of the marketing mix, This study analyzes green consumer behavior and its impact on green prices, and concludes that the green consumer is an environmentally friendly consumer and is willing to pay extra value for green products.

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How to Cite
Chahid, I., Abdlaoui, O., & Dafrour, A. (2017). The green price and its effect on the purchasing decision of the final consumer. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 3(1).


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