Determinants of the money multiplier in Algeria Standard Study (M3 2015 - M1 2006)

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Kamel Simohamed
Mostafa Mokhtari


This study examines the main determinants of money multiplier in Algeria using the ARDL model during the period M12006 –M03 2015. In this context, this paper focuses on the major sources to explain money multiplier trend in Algeria (Currency in Circulation, Sight Deposits with Banks, Reserve Requirement Ratio and Credits). Our results based on ARDL model establish that a stable long-run relationship exists between inflation and its determinants. Therefore, the impact of reserve requirement ratio has a negligible effect on money multiplier. Also, main finding indicate that a 1% increase of currency in circulation and credits variables would tend to depreciate the money multiplier by 0.2 and 0.15 respectively. Finally, I observe positive association between deposits with
banks and money multiplier.

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How to Cite
Simohamed, K., & Mokhtari, M. (2017). Determinants of the money multiplier in Algeria Standard Study (M3 2015 - M1 2006). Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 3(1), 141–152.


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