Courts with Expanded Local Jurisdiction as a Mechanism for Fighting Serious Crimes

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Nadira Bouazza


The idea of creating courts with expanded local jurisdiction is an effective way in fighting and diminishing crimes that have huge risks on the economy and nation’s safety.

This conforms with law 04-14 modifying the criminal procedure code, which is the extension of  local jurisdictions of some mentioned courts,  through regulations, and charging with special types of crimes, including but not limited to: drug offences, transnational organized crime, data automation systems crimes, money laundering, terrorism and infringements related to the legislation of exchanges for effective and positive results in this field.

The legislator had submitted those courts to regulations and procedures to work, which are  different from classic criminal courts, as he reinforced it with investigative ways that make fighting against  the above-mentioned crimes more effective.

That is why, we shed the light on the different regulations related to the competences of courts with expanded local jurisdiction, their procedural rules, and the most important problems that arise in thought analytical descriptive approach


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How to Cite
Bouazza, N. (2021). Courts with Expanded Local Jurisdiction as a Mechanism for Fighting Serious Crimes. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 7(1), 183–194.


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