An analytical study of knowledge indicators in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco during 2017-2020

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فتح الله معزوز
أحمد عزوز


Through this research, we tried to study and analyze the knowledge economy index for the countries of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, based on the latest report of this indicator issued by the United Nations Development in partnership with the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, which dealt with many of the main and subsidiary indicators of the knowledge index that have implications, directly or indirectly. Directly on knowledge and its applications on economic and social aspects, this indicator that is concerned with education in its various stages, scientific research and development, information and communication technology and finally the infrastructure. All these indicators are trying to clarify the location of the countries under study and the most important points that make them a pioneer in order to progress and compete with the leading countries. at this time.

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How to Cite
معزوز ف. ا., & عزوز أ. (2021). An analytical study of knowledge indicators in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco during 2017-2020. Finance and Business Economies Review, 5(2), 152–168.


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