The Role of Oriontation and Guidance in Spreading The Culture of Technical Education a Sample of Secondary School Students in Gaza Governorates

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Khalil Ali Khalil Aboudjerad


The aim of the study is to identify the degree to which guidance andis given to its role in directing
secondary students towards technical education in Gaza governorates and to reveal the significance of the
differences in the mean of the sample of the sample to the degree of the role of the educational mentors
depending on (sex, educational area and years of service) and putting ways of developing the role
ofguidance in directing secondary students towards technical education in Gaza Governorates.
The researcher used the descriptive analytic method and the questionnaire as a measuring tool consisting of
25 paragraphs divided into three dimensions. The sampleconsisted of (54) mentors and guides of both sexes
with 50%.
The study found the following results:
1. the total score for estimating the sample members of guides in the orientation of secondary students
towards technical education reached (47.02%) to a small extent where the first field obtained a relative
weight (47.40). and the second field obtained a relative weight (46.24%) but he third field obtained
2. There are statistically significant differences between the mean of the sample of the study sample for the
of guidancce and guidance in directing the secondary school students towards technical education is
attributed to gender variable in favor of males.
3. There were no statistically significant differences between the average of the sample of the role of
guidance and guidance and in directing the secondary school studens toward the technical education due
to the variable of the educational area of the field( the interaction of guidance and guidance with the
students to guide them towards technical education) and the differences in favor of the central region in
the other fields.
4. There are no statistically significant differences between the average of the sample of the study sample
for the role of guidance and guidance in directing secondary school students towards technical education
due to changes in years of experience.
5. One of the ways in which the role of guidance and guidance in directing secondary students towards
technical education, is being to providing all facilities and possibilities that are available for achieving
the goal

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How to Cite
Aboudjerad, K. A. K. (2019). The Role of Oriontation and Guidance in Spreading The Culture of Technical Education a Sample of Secondary School Students in Gaza Governorates. Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(2), 363–384. Retrieved from


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