Requirements for the success of e- learning in University education , case study abdelhafid boussouf university Mila

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The study aims to identify the level of students' readiness in the process of switching from the current university education to electronic learning, where the study followed the descriptive analytical approach by building a list of e-learning requirements, and including them in a questionnaire consisting of 30 questions directed to 250 students at all levels (Lance , Master, Ph.D.) at the Institute of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences abdelhafid boussouf University - Mila, and the study confirms the availability of the technical dimension for students, as 87,9% of students possess the skill of self-learning through their control of modern technical means and their use of the Internet b Daily and permanent form, and despite this, the results indicate a lack of knowledge dimension, as the percentage of students using the Internet for educational purposes did not exceed 14%, and the results of the study also confirm the weak internal motivation of students in the transition from current education to technological learning, as the 85.3% of students believe that regular education is more flexible and enjoyable than e-learning, and that 95% of them prefer current education, and therefore these results are clear evidence of weak knowledge motivation, readiness and desire of students to switch to technology learning despite the availability of technical motivation.

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How to Cite
MENNA, F. (2020). Requirements for the success of e- learning in University education , case study abdelhafid boussouf university Mila. Finance and Business Economies Review, 4(2), 184–199.


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