The Reality of the Management of Sports Facilities in Institutes of Science and Technics of Physical and Sports Activities and the Requirements of L.M.D System Algerian East Institute Case Study

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Amar Zedam
Nakker Moussa
Nabil Kerfes


The aim of this study was to shed light on the reality of the management of the sports facilities, and the situation experienced by the students of scientific institutes, and techniques of physical activities and sports, under the new L.M.D system in Algeria.

This study has been conducted, at the level of the Algerian East institutes .where the researcher relied on the descriptive approach, and the research community was the institutes of science and technology, of physical activities and sports. The sample consisted of: the students and teachers of these institutes. The study has concluded that the management of the sports facilities are conducted in a random and a not well thought out manner that does not meet the requirements of the new system in Algeria.

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How to Cite
Zedam, A., Moussa, N., & Kerfes, N. (2019). The Reality of the Management of Sports Facilities in Institutes of Science and Technics of Physical and Sports Activities and the Requirements of L.M.D System Algerian East Institute Case Study. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 5(2), 243–270.


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