The Role of Audiovisual media in Teaching Arabic to Foreign Learner .Field study of samples at the Algerian centre for Intensive language teaching.

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Abdelmoumen rahmanai


     The aim of the present research is to identify the effectiveness of the audiovisual media in the teaching of Arabic to non-native speakers. These audiovisual media can be considered as one of the effective means of improving the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of current ICT. Therefore, we plea for the necessity to utilize it in all educational institutions in Algeria.

     Under this scenario, the researcher was required to shed light on some of the terms and concepts related to the subject such as the concept of the audiovisual media their types and characteristics, through the emphasis on the role of the teacher as the guide and the path of the educational process, and the learner as the active element and the cornerstone upon which the teaching/learning situation is built. Meanwhile, the practical aspect was devoted to conducting two questionnaires on two samples of testchers and students at the Centre for Intensive Language Teatching in Algiers. At the end of this research, we have found out the essential role of the audiovisual media plays in enacting the different learning activities offered for the foreign learners

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How to Cite
rahmanai, A. (2022). The Role of Audiovisual media in Teaching Arabic to Foreign Learner .Field study of samples at the Algerian centre for Intensive language teaching. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 8(1), 358–375.


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