Phonetics interference between Arabic and French in third year of Algerian primary education.

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Samir Maazouzen


This study seeks to reveal the manifestations of phonetics interference
in Arabic and French in an attempt from a learner to learn his second
language. Language learner are often incorporating into the second
language first language phonetic and could replace the ones he can’t
pronounce (in the second language) by others in his own language, or
from near phonemes.
To reach our goal we will depend on the method of errors analysis to
analyze the code language, passing through three stages: identifying
the error, describing it and finally interpreting it. So we will try to
understand what phonetics interference is, its causes and consequences
and clarify its manifestations in pronunciation and writing letters





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How to Cite
Maazouzen, S. (2018). Phonetics interference between Arabic and French in third year of Algerian primary education. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1).


Jean Dubois et autres ,dictionnaire de Linguistique

,librairie Larousse ,Paris,1973 , P 316