واقع التعلیم المقاولاتي في الجزائر- الإنجازا ت والطموحات

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ayoub sakri
samir mohamed djaleb
ali Chatta


The main challenge facing the construction industry is to develop models and theories of its own, Based on the principles and foundations borrowed from other social sciences such as psychology, economics, marketing, strategic management, anthropology,
history and finance. After the emergence of the knowledge economy, Urging countries to pay attention to construction education especially in universities, training institutes and others. As it represents an important role in the preparation of individuals well through their courses. On the grounds that the exposure to courses in entrepreneurship and creativity is likely to lead greatly to the recruitment of people in professional stations at any point in the future. They create some interest in starting a business. At present, entrepreneurship education has received considerable attention from academic and economic communities across the world. Business education has become more important anywhere in the world. Because it creates the necessity to start, revive and develop business

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How to Cite
sakri, ayoub, mohamed djaleb, samir, & Chatta, ali. (2017). واقع التعلیم المقاولاتي في الجزائر- الإنجازا ت والطموحات . Finance and Business Economies Review, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v1i4.1616


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