personal styles and their Relationship with types of leadership for hospital, directors (field study in Oum El Bouaghi and Constantine city)

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djihad khara


The director of the hospital as a link between its members and plans and
objectives, so for the development prosperity of the organization to be director
of a personality pattern can repeat the conduct of the organization for the better
and uses a style of leadership helps employees to provide the best .Stan
designed to detect the most prominent patterns and types of personal leadership
and find a correlation between them.
We used the descriptive approach correlative on a sample (30)director of the
state Oum El Bouaghi and constantine , we used two measures .
We concluded that most prominent personal styles are style" C", then style "B"
,then style" A" ,and the most prominent types of leadership are type autocratic,
Type democratic, types free, and find a correlation between personal leadership
styles and types of the hospital directors.

Article Details

How to Cite
khara, djihad. (2016). personal styles and their Relationship with types of leadership for hospital, directors (field study in Oum El Bouaghi and Constantine city). Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 2(2), 241–258.


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