Study of the Impact of the Algerian Consumer Awareness about Condor Brand on its Image Building

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Salima Makhlouf


The aim of this study is to explore the impact of the Algerian consumer
Awareness about Condor Brand on its image building using its three dimensions
(Cognitive component, Affective component, and the behavioral component). To
achieve this goal, the researchers conducted a survey study by distributing a
questionnaire on a convenient sample of 700 Algerian respondents in order to test
the hypotheses of the study. For this purpose, a number of statistical methods were
used: the analysis of variance and linear regression using the SPSS program. The
study reached a number of results, where the most important were: * There is a
statistical significant impact of Condor Brand Awareness on its image;
* There are no significant differences in Condor Brand Awareness from the Algerian
consumers' perspective according to their gender, while there are significant
differences according to their age, income and educational level;
* There are no significant differences in Condor brand image according to gender,
age, income and educational level.

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How to Cite
Makhlouf, S. (2018). Study of the Impact of the Algerian Consumer Awareness about Condor Brand on its Image Building. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 449–474.


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