The change as a way to activate innovation in the Algerian institutions

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This study aims to identify the theoretical framework for innovation, and to
address the theoretical concepts about the change and the management of
change, and change is a matter of urgency to show the Algerian institutions and
the difference between change and innovation, and to highlight the contribution
of the change in the activation of innovation in the Algerian institutions.
The study found a number of findings, including: that in order to contribute
to the change in the activation of innovation in the Algerian institutions must
follow a series of steps, including: the need to adopt a comprehensive strategy
to change, to change the prevailing culture, the need to act in accordance with
economic sense, the scientific mind in dealing with the problems, the need
strengthen the relationship between the Algerian institutions, universities and
research centers, the need to adopt innovative comprehensive strategy for the
various aspects associated with the institution, a comprehensive global thinking
and local action.
A set of recommendations has been provided including: the Algerian
institutions should review its self-assessment under the circumstances and
changes rapidly, and to identify strengths and weaknesses and address the
accumulation schedule of operations, regulations, policies and organizational
and administrative procedures, prepared to face any unexpected challenges or
unexpected, and activating the role of innovation through change and renewal
of the laws and regulations such as establishing regulatory bodies to support
the growth of innovative enterprises through the granting of appropriate
licenses for various activities organized for those institutions

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How to Cite
ZINE, Y. (2016). The change as a way to activate innovation in the Algerian institutions. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 2(2), 177–198.


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